sábado, 26 de enero de 2008


I so grateful with God and the life because I had have the oportunity of to meet you my dear Salvatore Gemignani , you kows Salvatore the big love that I feel for you. You are not only a simple friend you are my family like my younger brother, isn't importante the distance you are always in my heart. This hansome man is my dear cousin Hugo Gabriel: Hi Hugo I love you because you are patient with me , you let me talk all the time and because I konw you big heart.
And finally my Dear , sweet and loved cousin Peter what can I say, you Knows my love for you Peter , you are my spoiled boy


I like this comic because is very funny and is a very common situation in the dairy life, but is uncomfortable try to say at the other person including when the person have bad smell in the mouth

domingo, 20 de enero de 2008

My daugther

In the life the people have differents lovers , love to parents, love to brothers or sisters, love to friends and of course love to children and is in this point that I want to say you about my daughter , shes is a tennager very special is very quite, is smart, she has a beautiful feeling, she is in the edge that all see in pink color, dreams with de blue prince until the moment she had never had a boyfriend ..yet...but you know I some borried about that she wants to study , she love all respect to fashion design and this is she wants to study but attention she doesnt study here in Mexico Oh no! do you imagine where ? no? in NEW YORK do you belived that or THE ANGELES CITY, I don't know what to do! because I haven't money she needs to get a scholarship and I Know her tenacity and her perseverance and I'm sure that she'll do it! of course I try to help to realize her dreams why not? I have dreams too and step by step I have been do it reality to be here study is very important for me because my studies will be tools of work and oportunities in my life my daughter is my inspiration and I have that to mentiom I have a wonderfull family and important friends too my dear cousin Pedro and my best friend Salvatore He is like a memeber more in my family and of course other dear friend Hugo Gabriel He is my adopted cousin, all They have been my soport in difficult times , well I hope that all the dreams will be realize take care of my friends and I see you son LOL