miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008


Well I dont Know if my opinions be appropriate but I'll try to give you an advice for exemple in my case, I live is stressful and the worst is that I have not time to relax , but sometimes I take a hot bath, I dont drink coffee , Coca-Cola or products that have caffeine, but I think and believed that the most important in this case and in the life is the attitude is think of positive way about the problems that overwhelm ours lifes in all the contexts, in the job , the school, with ours partners, our friends, ours offsprings, our classmates, our parents, etc. to maintain always a positive attitude made the diference in all things, isn't easy but we have to try day to day, Try to take a moment in a day and to visualize good thinks,all the problems has a solution , imagine that all the love of the world is for you, that you have healthy, that the prosperity come a your life. Finally remember that the life is only one and short, so weather permitting take a time for you, and practice meditation, take a aromatic bath, go out to walk at dusk at the beach, see the good things that you have rounder you, practice some exercise or yoga and dont forget to be positive

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